Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Water Level: Current Status
Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Water Level: Current Status
Information on Lake Eyre - June 2024
Rainfall in January and February 2024 associated with tropical lows and Tropical Cyclone Kirrily has brought some rainfall to south-western Queensland, including the Lake Eyre basin. A major flood has passed Birdsville on the Diamantina River, peaking at 7m in February. This water arrived at the lake in March and began flooding. Three months later in June, water continues to flow and there is extensive water coverage on the Lake Eyre.
Lake Eyre - Good coverage | Warburton River - Water flowing | Goyder Lagoon - Water flowing | Birdsville - Water flowing | Diamantina Lakes - Water flowing
Outstanding viewing over Lake Eyre
May 2024
Lake Eyre tours continue in May, with extensive coverage over Lake Eyre North and stunning viewing throughout the Lake Eyre basin. Bright green cuts through the red landscape as water diffuses into the landscape.
Pilots report continued flows throughout the Warburton and Diamantina Rivers, indicating further flows to Lake Eyre North over the coming months.
Good coverage on Lake Eyre
April 2024
Several tours have visited Lake Eyre in April, and the conditions have been outstanding. The country between Birdsville and Lake Eyre is increasingly green and lush, with extensive water in the landscape. Most of Lake Eyre north has water coverage, except for the Madigan Gulf. No sightings of extensive bird life on the lake.
More tours are scheduled in May and June, and it's looking like the water will remain on the lake for the winter as conditions cool and evaporation decreases.

Water reaches Lake Eyre
Mid-March 2024
Water has started flowing into Lake Eyre North, arriving in mid-March and beginning to flow into the Warburton Groove, a channel that runs from north to south down the lake towards the low point at Belt Bay.
This video was shared by our friends at Wrightsair in William Creek and shows the first trickles beginning to reach the dry lake bed.
Goyders Lagoon Flooding
Late February 2024
Satellite images from NASA show floodwaters passing through Goyders Lagoon at the end of the Diamantina River. Here the river spreads out to kilometres across, inundating the landscape and making for some amazing viewing from the air.
Most importantly - the water reforms at the south-western end of Goyders Lagoon into the Warburton River. From here it travels another 200 kilometres to reach Lake Eyre North and begin flooding the lake itself. This process will take several more weeks and it is expected to arrive there in April.
Satellite Timelapse- Diamantina Lakes
Early February 2024
Located just north-east of Birdsville, the Diamantina Lakes are part of the Diamantina River system which flows from south-western Queensland south into South Australia towards Lake Eyre. Satellite images over the 20th January through 13th February 2024 shows this flood changing the landscape.
These satellite images show the scale of the flooding as well, and flooding in the north of the Lake Eyre basin is a fantastic sign that water will flow to the south of the basin and eventually to Lake Eyre later in the season. How much water makes it through to Lake Eyre itself will depend on the conditions over the coming months.
Floodwaters passing Birdsville
Mid February 2024
The team at the Birdsville Hotel captured some fantastic footage of the flood waters flowing down the Diamantina through Birdsville. Birdsville is south-west of the Diamantina Lakes area and downstream.
Birdsville is one of our favourite spots to visit with more than 20 visits each and every year on our tours. It's a fantastic spot to see where the water that flows into Lake Eyre is coming from.
Ex-Tropical Cyclone Kirrily
Early February 2024
In early February Tropical Cyclone Kirrily formed in the Gulf of Carpentaria and eventually tracked south into western Queensland. This system has brought significant rain including some to the Lake Eyre basin, which is now causing flooding in the Diamantina and Birdsville areas.
How does Lake Eyre flood?
Exactly how Lake Eyre floods is a little bit complex. Nick Stobie, our Chief Pilot, has flown over Lake Eyre more than 40 times and has put together a detailed explanation on how Lake Eyre floods.
We get asked the question 'Is Lake Eyre going to flood?' often - understanding how it floods is important to understanding how we answer this question. Importantly, we're talking about an extensive landscape with many influences on how water travels through it - evaporation and local rainfall can dramatically change how flood waters progress through the basin.
Once the lake is in flood, we then begin talking about two metrics - depth (in Belt Bay, the lowest point of Lake Eyre North) and coverage (how much of the lake is covered).
How to see Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre
Australian Air Safaris are the Lake Eyre experts having operated over 200 air safaris to the region. We visit Lake Eyre more than 20 times every single year with small group air tours. The following tours feature Lake Eyre:
Pilot Callum talks about Lake Eyre
Callum is one of our amazing Touring Pilots and has extensive experience flying over Lake Eyre. It's one of his favourite spots and one that he loves sharing with guests on our tours.
Views from the 2023 season
2023 was a really dynamic year on Lake Eyre - some minor floods throughout the year that made it all the way south. We were really lucky to host so many trips out to the lake, it's really a priviledge to share this unique landscape with guests.
Dry or wet, Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre is a sight to behold. Tours to outback Australia are what we do, and with more than 40 years experience - there's no-one better to take you to see iconic Lake Eyre.
Every seat is a window seat, and our pilots are experienced travellers who are passionate about sharing uniquely Australian experiences with each and every one of our guests.
Check us out on Tripadvisor to hear a bit more about what our guests say about their visits to Lake Eyre.