What to bring

We often get asked what to bring on one of our air safaris, so below is some more information to help you decide what to pack and what not to! If you still have questions, please feel free to call our office on 1300 206 130. We are more than happy to help!

Air Safari Pack

On all trips you will be provided with a complimentary Air Safari Pack when you arrive at our departure lounge. The Air Safari Pack includes a light carry on bag, aluminium drink bottle, cap and bag tag.

Clothing / Luggage

Depending on the time of year, temperatures vary between day and night considerably around Australia.

Our tours are scheduled to fly to each destination at the most comfortable time of year - up north in the winter months (April to September) and further south in the summer months (October to March).

Weather is notoriously hard to predict, however we recommend bringing a light warm jacket as a minimum on all tours, plus comfortable walking shoes/boots, casual clothing and long trousers. When visiting the outback and Tasmania, both can get fairly chilly, particularly at night (sometimes below zero in the desert), so warm clothes are essential.

Have a look at the forecast for some of your destinations in the days leading up to your trip, to ensure you are best prepared.

Don't forget to bring any medication you may need - let us know if you require power, for example for a CPAP machine, so we can advise your accommodation providers.

You will receive an email close to departure advising exactly how much luggage you can bring, based on the aircraft, weights and where you're going. As a general rule, you may bring a maximum of 10kg in a soft bag, plus a small amount of hand luggage like a handbag and camera.

On longer tours, you'll have the opportunity to do some laundry every few days if you wish. There may be a charge for this.

Aircraft temperature

All Australian Air Safaris aircraft are fitted with a comfortable leather interior and, during warmer months, air conditioning. Your pilot will provide a full briefing about the aircraft on your morning of departure.

Mobile phones

Generally mobile coverage in outback areas is limited. Telstra is the major carrier with coverage in most locations and it’s important to note that if you are with another carrier, you might not have coverage in remote sites. If you require phone or data coverage while on tour we encourage you to purchase a pre-paid Telstra SIM card for the trip and also be prepared to be out of mobile coverage at some locations. WiFi access is limited and when available often the speeds are slower than in our capital cities.


Australian Air Safaris tours are all-inclusive and you will not be asked to pay anything further while you’re away. You may, however, wish to purchase souvenirs or alcoholic beverages when not sitting down to dinner and so we do recommend bringing a small amount of cash or a credit card to cover these additional purchases.

Bedding and towels

These are provided at all locations – you do not need to bring either.

Snacks and water

Sweets and water for refilling will be available on the aircraft. We do encourage you to regularly fill the water bottle we provide you with. You will also be well fed on tour!

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