News category: Latest News
Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Water Level: Current Status
Water levels in Kati Thanda / Lake Eyre have decreased in the last month but theres a brilliant white cover to be seen over the exposed dry areas of the lake. There’s still a chance of more rain…
The Joy of Air Touring
If you’ve wondered what air touring is, who is going or where you can go, this is for you. We dive into some of our favourite things about Air Touring and what makes Australian Air Safaris so special.
Birdsville Races Charter Flights
Birdsville Races 2018 Flights. Return flights from Moorabbin Airport (Melbourne) Twin engine, air conditioned luxury aircraft, take 15kg baggage for camping equipment…
July Trip Report – Taste of the Outback
July 2017 Trip report on the Taste of the Outback Air Tour – Lake Eyre, Innamincka, Birdsville, Lake Mungo
Top five locations for a scenic flight in the Australian Outback
We’ve seen so much of Outback Australia, so here are our five top destinations to take a scenic flight over. How many have you checked off your list?