News and Events
Tale of a Recent Lake Eyre and Outback Trip
Ron Webb’s Tale of his recent Lake Eyre Trip and Outback S.A. “We reach Lake Eyre and what a sight, its vast expanses reach all horizons to the East, West and South. Many photos taken but they cannot capture or express…”
Lake Eyre Water Level June 2016 LATEST NEWS
Its amazing how quickly Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre can change; from the evaporation of the lake drying quickly, to flash flooding from local rain. This recent rain last week has breathed further life into the visitor season for the area.
Lake Eyre Water Level May 2016 LATEST NEWS
See Lake Eyre Water Level May status; 55.6mm rainfall Kalamurina brings more water into Lake Eyre. Brilliant white fresh salt crust on Lake Eyre South.
Why You Should See Lake Eyre, Australia’s Largest Salt Lake
Located in the northern part of Southern Australia, Lake Eyre is an area of significant geological interest to scientists and travelers alike. It is the focus of the famous Australian drainage system, a stretch of over of 440,000 square miles.
Flash Flood Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre Mar 2016
Amazing how quickly Kati Thanda-Lake Eyre can change; from the evaporation of the lake drying quickly to flash flooding from local rain. Photos March 2016.
Wings, Wine and Heritage Gourmet Escape
In association with Brown Brothers Winery and Murray River Paddle Steamers this all-inclusive 2 day package includes lunch at Milawa, overnight on Emmylou paddle steamer Echuca and Soveriegn Hill, Ballarat.
Kirkhope Aviation 2016 Big Red Bash Music Festival Package Monday July 4th to Thursday July 7th 2016 includes Birdsville, Innamincka and cruise on Coopers Creek.